So here I am.  After almost 6 years of my husband's nagging and support, I finally found myself in front of computer, doing what I used to love: making things pretty, finding things pleasing, and creating random things that makes me happy. 

I am a Mom and a wife, and have been living in New Zealand for almost 6 years.  Before that, for over 10 years, I was a director and designer who worked in NYC. I directed and designed TV commercials and loved what I was doing and the life that the city provided. 

Over the last 5 years I have experienced some of the biggest changes in my life. But I still haven't been able to get rid of my old self, and finally I have decided that I would pay attention to the desire that has been burning in my heart. I want to create something. Anything. Random things that make me happy while I'm doing it, and when I'm done. I don't know what those things would be, but thanks to my husband, I have a place to start putting them out. 

And now I have more time to myself since my two prime focuses over these last 5 years are doing just fine by themselves. My 4 year old son would no longer be in any immediate danger if I don't spend every single second of my life focusing on him. And my husband is happy at his job, works out everyday, and rocks John Varvatos suits(!). So no more excuses.

Here it starts.....